Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Off to see the Ellers!

Our first vacation day has offically arrived! My friend Leslie and I are headed to Malaga to visit some friends of mine, the Ellers. They live in Malaga which is right on the Med. Sea! It should be a great long weekend. We leave today, as soon as classes are done to catch a bus to Madrid. Then we have a quick flight to Malaga where Laura is going to pick us up. It will be fun to drive through some of the country side of Spain and then cut off a few hours with a plane ride. Hopefully by the end of this trip I will have mastered the art of airports! Well other than that I haven´t done much. Classes are going pretty good and my understanding is slowly but surely increasing! I will try and update when I arrive in Malaga!

1 comment:

  1. Have a safe and FUN trip today and beyond JoJO...we love hearing about your adventures! I hope you are taking loads of photos. I have talked uncle Sam into getting on how shall we connect with you? Do you still have email? If so let me know yours if know mine!
