Sunday, January 24, 2010

Things are just different in Europe....

Well my second week of classes is officially over. I am amazed at how different life in Europe is, but it is not bad. We have had a blast getting to know the city of Oviedo. It is a beautiful city with a lot to offer.

Well, to start off school has been good...but the most boring part of my day. We have classes pretty early in the morning. My first class is at 9 am, and I know that everyone is thinking that is not early at all! But for here, it is quite early because I have to walk about 30 minutes to get to the University. It is a beautiful walk though, so I cannot complain. The weather this week has been pretty good too! It had some rainy days, but for the most part was sunny with a little bit of fog. I haven't had much homework, just translating some pretty easy paragraphs. So the lack of hours of homework has been delightful.

We have had some other adventures the past two weeks. First, all of our meetings are held in a bar which I had to get used to. I love going to the bar and ordering Fanta. It's good here because it is more like carbonated lemonade or orange juice. I also had a interesting time buying shoes. They have different shoe sizes here which makes me feel bad because I am a size 41. But I got my boots, that are waterproof!

I have also been attending a church here. Yay for finding people to worship with! Leslie and I have been connecting with a student name Noemi and a group called gbu, that is a Bible Study. We attended our first girls night. It was hippie themed and we played roulette (wheel of fortune bible edition) and a version of Spanish Bible Edition Who Wants to be a Millionaire. We ate some amazing food and I took a lot of Spanish in! It is funny to listen to everyone try and pronounce my name though because they cannot pronounce the "J" sound.

Well I will update soon! We just planned our first trip to Malaga to visit Kory and Laura Eller. I am super super excited!! So We leave Wednesday night and then will stay the weekend and leave Sunday. I will keep everyone updated as much as possible!

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