Monday, January 11, 2010

Arrival in Spain!

Well, after 12 hours we finally made it to Spain. We left the hotel around 7:45 and arrived at Paddington Station just a few minutes before the next Heathrow Express train took off. It was almost perfect timing because we even found room for our bags! We got to the airport 15 minutes later and were checked in and through security within an hour. It went by so fast we had to wait an hour (until 10:00) to even figure out which gate we were to go to. After a while we got on the plane and were off to the Madrid airport. When we got there again we did not know exactly which terminal to go to right away so we grabbed a snack and something to drink and by that time we knew where we were to go.

When we got to the terminal we found 2 others from our group: Kayla and Zach. We waited since our plane was delayed for about 20 minutes and then got on. When we got to Oviedo, Kayla's bags did not show after figuring out (in Spanish) what to do we missed the bus to Oviedo. Kayla and I grabbed some cafe con leche and waited until 6:30 to get on the next bus for Oviedo that left about 7. When we got to the bus station, we grabbed a taxi and were off to the hotel. We met up with everyone else there and after about and hour or so went to Dinner. It was a very interesting experience.

First, I don't like sangria. I don't like beer (which I knew from the smell a long time ago. I don't like campaign. I tried squid for the first time...and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. There cheese balls here are NOT the same as Iowa but the french fries are pretty tasty! After the dinner most of the group went to the bar, but Leslie, Abigail and I went back to the hotel. I went to bed about 1 and then woke up at 7:45. After I checked out of the hotel we went to meet our families.

My host mom picked me up and we walked back to our Pizo. When we got there we dropped my luggage in my room and then took off again back to the University. I had to go to the library and all the international students met there for a big meeting and to take the entrance exam. When they started I had no idea what they were saying. I got just enough to get by. Afterward my mom came and picked me up and we went back to the house to eat lunch. I was starving because I didn't get anything for breakfast. She made me arroz con pollo and it was delicious.

After lunch I unpacked one of my suitcases and then took a siesta! I think I can get used to this. I woke up at 3 and went back to campus. I met Abigail and Leslie and we went to get phones and the things that we needed. I bought my umbrella and went to get a phone, but I forgot I needed my passport number. So I will have to go get that tomorrow.

When I got back I went to the centro comercial (mall) and was kinda bored actually. I was looking for the phone store again but they moved. So I will get it before coming back from classes tomorrow. Now I am updating my blog, I talking to 1315 Brenton Drive, and now Sarah. I miss that I am not able to talk to my parents. I hope they are enjoying themselves on the cruise, and that they get back soon so that I can talk to them. Well I think now I'm going to try and unpack a little more and then go to bed. We have to be at the University at 8:30 in the morning, which in Spain is extremely early. I have to leave about 8...because it takes me 20-25 minutes to get there. Fun stuff...I will be getting my exercise for sure.

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