Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Quick Visit to Paradise

Wow, where to start. I have had the most amazing week. I finished classes on Wednesday and then my friend Leslie and I went to the bus station to start our adventure to Malaga. We rode the bus to Madrid and then took a taxi to the airport. Our flight landed in Malaga at midnight and Laura Eller was there to pick us up. Since it was late we pretty much went strait to bed, but I was able to quickly skype my parents to let them know we arrived safely. Laura showed us our room and we were asleep in no time :)

The next morning we started our day off bright and early with a quick drive to Mijas. This cute tourist town is known as one of the Costa del Sol's "Pueblos Blancos," (white villages). It seriously looked like we were walking in Greece! We were able to see one of Spain's only oval bull fighting ring...from the outside, visited a few lookout points so that we could see the ocean, went to a small chapel built into a cave, and looked through a museum that told the history and culture of Andalusia in clay that one woman made. It was absolutely stunning! We took pictures of the "burro taxi's" and yes, that is what you are thinking it is!

We then drove through downtown Malaga and stopped at a castle monument to Columbus. It was cool to us because we had been learning about a lot of the art that they used in art class! Then we drove to the beach and walked along the Mediterranean Sea! Beautiful :) Then we drove back and had lunch...I have never been so excited to have Chili in my life! Laura is a great cook! We then hung out the rest of the day, we walked Josh to his music class and had Moroccan tea while we waited. It was a pretty cool experience!

The next day we again started off right after the kids went to school and went to Malaga's castle and walked through downtown. We went to Picasso's birth place and walked down the street performer street. We then went to Malaga's port to see the pirate ship they have docked there and when we got there we saw a real German Submarine! How often does that happen?!? We then headed back to the house and spent the afternoon hanging out, watching movies and enjoying relaxing and hanging out with the Eller boys!

On Saturday we slept in! Then we got up and headed to the beach! It was perfect weather and we had a blast walking in the surf and picking up a ton of Starfish! We flew kites, played paddle ball and had a picnic! Then we went to the new church building that they just moved to and helped get ready for the youth service they were having that night. We met a lot of really cool people and really had to use our Spanish for most of the night! There were some Chilean guys who came to give their testimonies and they loved us because we knew how to play Ultimate Frisbee. We wished that we could have played with them, but we had to leave :( They told us only American girls would play because every other girl is too afraid to break a nail! Haha! It was a great, but late evening! We didn't get back from church until 11:30 or Midnight! Then we had to wake up at 6:30 to catch our plane in the morning. We had an uneventful travel day back and made it back just in time for my host mom to make me Arroz a la Cubana con huevos fritos! I'll explain it when I get back! Now I'm back in classes and wishing I was in Malaga!

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