Sunday, March 7, 2010


Alright, so I know that this is much overdue, but I am still alive! I have been having a good time! The first thing I have to update is with school. I have had my first rounds of tests and they turned out well! Hopefully they will continue to improve though. I have been learning a lot and continuing to gain confidence.

The next new and exciting news is my plans for spring break are set! I am going on a retreat with the other young adults from my church. We are renting a bus and driving back to Malaga where we are meeting many other church groups there at a camp. Then we will be having some awesome worship, Bible Studies, games, and time to get to know each other. Oh yeah, and did I mention that it will all be in Spanish? It will be a really good learning weekend.

Then there is Santiago. Last weekend we went to Santiago de Compestela where thousands of Pilgrims come every year. The cathedral here is famous for housing the remains of St. James (Santiago). This year is also a holy year (every 10 years) so we were able to see the flying incense burner (batafumerio) and the holy door open. It was really awesome, but it could have been better if we didn't go in the middle of a hurricane. We were soaked walking through the streets, but it was worth it.

This weekend was nice and relaxing. We went on a three hour hike to a random little church in the mountains. It was fun and good exercise. When we got there the scenery was beautiful. I still cannot believe all the amazing things that God has created here! I look forward to getting to see a few more places before I leave!

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