Wednesday, January 13, 2010

La Universidad de Oviedo

I started classes yesterday. My first class was grammar and I had a really really hard time understanding the professor. Hopefully tomorrow she will speak much slower! I think that my classes are going to be really good though. After my grammar class I had a 2 hour break, so me and a couple other girls walked around the streets near campus. We went to the "China" store. It would be comparable to the Dollar Tree in the States. I had to ask for an adapter because one of the girls needed one and nobody wanted to ask. They had them, which was good because another girl blew hers up today with her hair drier and had to get another!

I ate an apple for mid-morning snack and then had my Art class. I really liked this professor and I think that It is going to be a really fun class learning about the art in Spain and especially the trips to go out and learn about the art in Oviedo. I then went home where my host mom made me lunch! So far everything she has made has been "rico" or delicious! I took a siesta after lunch and then at 5 we met at "La Gorda." La Gorda (the fat lady) Is a statue near the big park in oviedo. We all as one big group went and bought cell phones. It was good that one of the mom's went with us and translated so that the lady behind the counter knew what to do. I'm sure it is not often that she gets a group of 15 english speakers wanting to buy cell phones!

The store we bought our cell phone in was comparable to Sears, so they had a little bit of I bought a book in Spanish. I bought Breaking Dawn, because I read it in English and it was an easy read...not so much in Spanish though! I came home then and ate supper about 8:30 and then talked to Sarah on Skype for a while before I went to bed.

I woke up early and went to class before the sun even came up! This is hard to get used to!!! I am getting pretty good at the walk between my house and campus. The park is open now so I can cut quite a bit of time off :) Today I had 3 Classes and all of them were good! I have another 2 hour break on Wednesdays in between my first class and my last two classes but I like going down to the cafeteria and talking to people. This afternoon I came back home and ate lunch at 3 and then took a siesta. I am really getting used to this! At 7:15 I met Leslie and Naomi for church. It was interesting but the people there are very sweet and patient with the Americans :) They all talk about Tyler, a student from last year because he was so tall!

I came back after Church and ate dinner. Then I gave my host mom her present. Mom, she loved the quilt and necklaces! She wanted to wear all the necklaces at once! Now I'm off to bed! It's almost Midnight and we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow! Buenos Noches!

1 comment:

  1. We are SO GLAD to learn you are settling in, Joelle! We are jealous of the siesta time...that sounds divine! It will be good to be able to talk to your folks this weekend....we plan to call them too on Sunday. Uncle Sam and I must get Skype so we can see your face-that will help with the missing you part! Have a lovely weekend honey-we hope you and the others can have some fun adventures exploring the city.
    LOVE YOU! Aunt Susie
