Friday, May 7, 2010

2 weeks and counting!

Ok, so I know again this blog is extremely over due! But I have been extremely busy, and the internet has not worked at my house for a month. So here you go! After the weekend after I went to Barcelona we headed to Madrid and Toledo. It was a great time. We saw some of the famous things like the Puerta del Sol, Museo del Prado, Plaza Mayor, the Bull ring, Retiro Park and the Royal Palace. On Saturday we spent the day with my friends that are missionaries in Madrid. They showed us around and it was a good time. Sunday we went to Toledo and the Bullfigting ring in Madrid. Again we had great weather and it was cool to see the Cathedral!

Now back to school. I have gotten involved a lot with a group of students here with Intervarsity. We have an outreach project coming up next week along with our finals approaching! I can't believe the time is already coming. So with all of this I haven't had a lot of time to do much else. We will hopefully be handing out the book of John to people on our campuses. We are waiting on permission from the administation before we do it though!

Tomorrow I head out one one last trip before my flight home. Two other girls and I are headed to Ireland for the weekend. It should be a blast!

I am really looking forward to coming home, but it will be bitter sweet. I have just gotten to know a lot of the people from the church and now I have to leave. I wish that they could come back to the US with me!